NASHER’s 5 Principles of Learning

(based on the ideas of „Constructivist Didactics“ and „Accelerated Learning“) 

1. Learning is not consumption, but creation.

A learner integrates the new knowledge and skill into his or her existing structures. Therefore, a learner must involve her or himself actively to apply the new knowledge to his or her negotiation reality – NASHER trainers are facilitators.


2. Context: Doing, not knowing.

In school, we learn things in isolation – we are able to ace tests but unable to use the knowledge in practice. There is a difference between merely knowing something vs. being able to do it. We learn how to swim by swimming, how to sing by singing, and how to negotiate by negotiating. The real and the concrete are far better teachers than the hypothetical and the abstract. That is why NASHER seminars heavily use simulations and real life practices.


3. Learning Takes Place on Many Levels Simultaneously

Children learn by absorbing many things at once, as adults we are used to learning only one little thing at a time in linear fashion. However, our brain is not a sequential, but a parallel processor and thrives when it is challenged to do many things at once. Therefore, NASHER trainings engage participants on many levels simultaneously (conscious and subconcious, theoretical and practical) to use all the paths it can.


4. Positive Emotions Greatly Improve Learning. 

Learning that is stressful, painful, and dreary can’t hold a candle to learning that is joyful, relaxed, and engaging. That is why NASHER seminars put a focus on respect, honesty and lots of humour. In fact, our seminars have been punched up by comedy writers.


5. Collaboration Aids Learning. 

A genuine learning community is better for learning than a collection of isolated individuals. Competition between learners slows learning. Even though NASHER trainings use negotiation simulations that can be competitive at times, we put the emphasis on a collaborative learning environment.