NASHER Training Modules






Training with Jack Nasher

The seminars are all based on Jack Nasher’s world best selling book „DEAL!“. You will learn tried-and-tested negotiation techniques and the secrets of the world’s leading negotiators. Also, you will learn how to avoid typical mistakes and how to define and reach your goals. Thought provoking content and captivating simulations make the training insightful and fun at the same time. You don’t need any prior knowledge and will leave the seminar with skills you can immediately put into practice!

Learn how to read and influence people to get what you really want! Negotiation seminars with Jack Nasher teach you how to negotiate with confidence and effectiveness. Harvard’s Win-Win approach, covert persuasion techniques by Noble Prize laureate Daniel Kahneman, but also the hands-on approach from Manhattan real estate tycoons – science and practice combined. 

Module 1 (Negotiation Practitioner)

In this seminar, you will learn the 5 steps of effective negotiations and will also discover the key techniques for how to read other people.  

Your Benefit

After the successful completion of this modul,  you will not only know but apply the most effective negotiation methods. You will be able to judge others and accurately read the most experienced negotiator. Your newly acquired skills will help you to keep the upper hand in the most decisive and complex negotiations.

After completion, you will:

  • understand leverage games
  • maximize your leverage in the most difficult scenario
  • be able to acquire key information
  • understand and apply Harvard’s Win-Win approach
  • identify and utilize the most effective negotiation techniques
  • avoid the typical mistakes when closing


  • Finding the „18th camel“ and the „Game of Life“
  • The 3 Barriers to Negotiations:
    • Boulwarism and why „non-negotiable“ doesn’t help
    • Why you don’t get what you deserve but what you negotiate
    • Why women give away € 500 000 in 2 minutes but are the better negotiators
  • Simulation: Basics of negotiation strategy


The inner game:

  • The source of power
  • Why we understimate our leverage
  • BATNA: the loaded gun

Displaying leverage:

  • Scarcity effect: how to create competition
  • Time: why time is money in a negotiation
  • The Golden Moment: how to detect the peak of power
  • No Interest: learning from ick up artists
  • Authority: why you should never have the final say
  • Simulation: Find the BATNA


Relationship building:

  • How to turn enemies into allies
  • How to gain and show respect
  • The balcony: learning from Samurai


Getting Information:

  • Freud’s favorite technique
  • How to get answers – learning from intelligence
  • The Columbo technique
  • Soviet style and the ‘Negotiator’s Dilemma‘

Interest-based Negotiation:

  • Why compromises are bad
  • Win-Win: Myth and reality
  • Getting to yes: interests vs. positions
  • Finding and revealing interests
  • Strategic concessions
  • Simulation: Interest-based negotiation

Table Tactics:

  • Anchoring: the first mover advantage
  • Flinch & Crunch: how to properly respond to offers
  • Fairness: understanding and controling the perception of fairness
  • “Jade for a brick: optimally structuring concessions
  • Prospect Theory: how to use your bargaining chips
  • Framing: how to manipulate the reference point


  • Understanding and using the Concorde-Effect
  • The Nibble: How to get 5% more per deal
  • How to build a ‘golden bridge’

Bonus: How to get the truth in any negotiation

Deception Detecion:

  • Emotions of deception
  • Behavior Control
  • Disharmonies and micro expressions: How to read minds and emotions

Asking the right questions:

  • KUBARK: CIA interrogation techniques to get you the truth
  • How to get the truth
  • 3 questions to find out how far the other will really go

9:30-11:00 Training

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-12:45 Training

12:45-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:30 Training

3:30-3:45 Coffee Break

3:45-5:00 Training

(Times may vary)

Module 2 (Negotiation Professional)

This 2-day seminar builds on Module 1. The 5 steps of a successful negotiation are reviewed, deepened, and practiced with more complex simulations. The main focus lies on table tactics (step 4), truth detection, and convincing others of yourself. This seminar is only suitable for those who have completed Module 1.

Your Benefits

After completion of this Module, you will not only know but master the most effective negotiation tools. You will be able to devise your own negotiation strategy, read people and make others trust in your expertise. Your newly acquired skills will help you keep the upper hand in the most decisive and intricate negotiation scenarios. 

After completion, you will:

  • keep the upper in hand in the most decisive and complicated negotiation
  • see through the most experienced negotiators and immediately identify tactical manoeuvers
  • optimally lead negotiation teams
  • be able to convince others of your expertise
  • be the best negotiator you can be 


  • Brief review of Module 1


  • Simulation concerning BATNA and maximizing leverage


  • Review and practice 
  • Micro Expression Training (METT) after Paul Ekman 
  • Simulation: Questions to find the truth during the negotiation

Interest-based negotiations

  • Trust beats discount
  • Displaying expertise and gaining trust
  • Activating effects – from Primacy to Recency

Table Tactics:

  • Anchoring, Fairness, Reciprocity, Framing. Review, deepening, and intensive practices with simulations
  • Peculartities of team negotiations

9:30-11:00 Training

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-12:45 Training

12:45-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:30 Training

3:30-3:45 Coffee Break

3:45-5:00 Training

(Times may vary)

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